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Yom Ha Zohar

Exceptional event on May 19, 2022

Yom Ha Zohar Zohar study day for Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohay’s Hillulah
Presentation of the day of Lag Baomer and Yom Ha Zohar
The Day Of The Zohar

Yom Ha Zohar

Lag Baomer Day is celebrated every year in all communities as the Hilulah day of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai , the master of the Zohar. The day of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai’s last teaching, the day he left this world to join Celestial Academy. It is therefore The Day of the Zohar, the day par excellence to study and initiate oneself to the study of the book of the Zohar. We are organizing this year בה the first edition of Yom Ha Zohar with Zohar classes for all levels.

Yom Ha Zohar Class List

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Yom Ha Zohar


The objective of Yom Ha Zohar is to develop and disseminate the study of the Zohar on the day of Lag Baomer.
To participate in this event you can:
-Register to be informed of the courses and activities organized
-Let us know the Zohar course that you are organizing on this day (Location, time, subject, speaker, registration)
-Organize a Zohar course and take advantage of the tools offered by Beit Ha Zohar for teaching the Zohar.
-Below 2 Zohar courses in bilingual version to prepare your Zohar course.
A Lecture on the Shabbat Table (Zohar II 88a)
A lesson on the death of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohay (Zohar III 296b)

Yom Ha Zohar

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