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The Sefer Yetzirah

History and reception of a major cabalistic text

Presentation of the Symposium
Michael sebban and Jean Baumgarten
International meeting

The Sefer Yetzirah

The Sefer Yetsirah or Book of Creation is attributed, according to tradition, to the Patriarch Abraham. this famous book deals with the Creation of the World by the Paths of Wisdom, the divine Names, the Sefirot , the letters, the months of the year and the zodiac signs. It is a complex and major work in the study of Kabbalah. Based on a 13th century Spanish manuscript belonging to the National Library of France, our conference will study this book and its reception.

The Manuscript Heb. 763

Edition of the Manuscript in a numbered bilingual edition

2021-11-14 09:30:00


Musée d’art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme


Symposium program

Opening of the conference

Paul Salmona (MAHJ Director)

Laurent Hericher (General Curator of the Department of Oriental Manuscripts, BNF, Paris)

Michael Sebban (Beit Hazohar, Paris)

Giacomo Corazzol (CNRS-IRHT, Paris): The Hebrew manuscript 763 of the BnF: a paleographic examination

John Baumgarten ( CNRS-EHESS, Paris): The representation of the human body in the Sefer Yetsirah

Saverio Campanini (University of Bologna, Italy): Christian Hebrew scholars and translations of the Book of Creation

Paul Fenton (Sorbonne University, Paris): “The Sefer Yetzirah in the Judeo-Arab tradition: the commentary of Dounash Ben Tamim”.

Lunch break

Piergabriele Mancuso (the Medici Archive Project, Università dell’Insubria, Como, Italy): Exegesis, interpretation and textual amalgamation: Sabbataï Donnolo’s reading of the Sefer Yetsirah. (In English with summary in French).

Julien Darmon (EHESS, Paris): Nahmanide’s commentary on the Sefer Yetsirah .

Emma Abbate (IRHT-CNRS, Paris): Making a Golem from the Sefer Yetsirah: rite and narrative in the Middle Ages in manuscripts copied in Italy.

Michael Sebban (Beit Ha Zohar, Paris): Abraham Aboulafia’s commentary on the Sefer Yetzirah in the Heb.763 manuscript.

Yossi Chajes (University of Haifa, Israel): The Sepher Yetsirah and the kabbalistic trees ( Ilanot )

The videos of the Colloquium

Our partners

Museum of Art and History of Judaism

Foundation for the memory of the Shoah

Rothschild Foundation


Scientific Research National Center

National Library of France

Foundation of French Judaism

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