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Giacomo Corazzol

Giacomo Corrazol

Giacomo Corazzol obtained his doctorate at EPHE (2015) with a thesis on Jewish culture in Crete at the end of the Middle Ages. He is currently a lecturer at Inalco. His research focuses on different aspects of Jewish culture in the post-Byzantine region and the use of Jewish sources by Christian Hebrew scholars during the Renaissance. Among his publications: a catalog of the Hebrew manuscripts of the University Library of Bologna (in collaboration with Mauro Perani) and a study on the Hebrew manuscripts of the BnF coming from the Oratory (to be published in the REJ). .

Giacomo Corrazol : Examen paléographique du manuscrit du Sefer Yetsirah, Heb. 763 de la BnF
Giacomo Corrazol’s contribution to the Colloquium on the Sefer Yetzirah

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